Do you know what has ten times the germs than a toilet seat does?

Hint: you probably have one on you right now.  You may even be holding it.

The answer is... your cellphone!  Ewww!!  Don't believe me?  Then check out this link.
Before you say that's impossible, think about it.  When was the last time you cleaned your cellphone?  Never?  Well, if that's the case, it's time to clean that germ-infested gadget right now!

Often people (including me) are afraid to clean their cellphones.  It's not like you can buy cellphone cleaner.  At least I've never seen it anywhere, even on those awful late-night informercials.  But if I ever see some, I'm going to buy it by the case, that's for sure.  Until then, try a gentle antibacterial wipe.  That should work fine, they say.  And while you're at it, try wiping off the remote controls at your house too.  They're also loaded with germs.  Ewww again!!
Actually, the real problem arises when you share your phone with other people.  Your own set of germs won't make you sick.  But other people's germs will.  So as soon as you hand your phone to someone to use...well, you can imagine how many potential germs you've now got all over your phone.
Well, I hope I haven't ruined your day with all this talk about germs.  As for me, I've got the wipes in my hand and I'm about to give my phone a much-needed cleaning.  And the next time you ask to borrow my phone, I'm going to JUST SAY NO.  :)

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