The whim of the moment turned in to the mistake of a lifetime, and now you are stuck with a bad tattoo.

You've heard that laser removal surgery is expensive, time consuming, and, worst of all, it hurts.  So, you guess you are destined to go through life with your bad tat.  Well, maybe not.

A Canadian PhD student says he has developed a pain-free treatment to help erase tattoos.

The lotion targets blood cells that have been colored by the tattooing process and is said to be safer than lasers, which are currently used to remove ink.

While lasers break down ink particles in tattoos that are eventually absorbed into the body, the lotion uses the body’s natural immune system.

When a person is tattooed, pigment from the ink is usually “eaten” by white blood cells.

The tattoo-removing lotion contains man-made cells that the white blood cells “eat” and it takes the pigment away with it.

According to Canada's CBC News, Alec Falkenham, a 27-year-old PhD student in the Dalhousie University pathology department, is developing a topical cream that he says will make tattoo ink eventually fade away.

Falkenham estimates a tattoo removal treatment  would cost approximately $4.50 per treatment. The cream will work best on tattoos that are more than two years old, he adds.

If it really works, Alec cream could correct many spur-of-the-moment tattoo mistakes.  Would you like to try it?  Tell me about your bad tattoo in the comments section below.

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