The official start of the summer of 2015 is finally here.The summer solistice, considered the start of the summer season, took place yesterday at 12:38 PM. The beach and the boardwalk were packed with peolple enjoying the longest day of the year. Here are some saftey tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep your family safe this summer season.

For fun in the sun, be sure to use use a sunscreen with an SPF 15 or greater. Reapply sunscreen every two hours especailly after swimming.

For pool saftey, never leave children alone in or near the pool or spa, even for a moment. Supervision at all times by a responsibile adult is the best way to prevent an accident. Children under the age of 5 should be supervised by an adult and perferably one who knows CPR. Childen should be within an arms length of an adult at all times.

For beach saftey, never swim alone and only swim when lifeguards are present.  For your saftey know the dangers of rip currnets. For boat saftey, children should be wearing properly fitted life jackets at all times.

Here's to a happy and safe summer of 2015!

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