The put together a pretty cool list of best times to do different things if life to maximize your results.

I don't know if I agree with some of the times, or even that there is a best time for some of these things, but some of the explanations make sense. See what you think...

7 AM - Best Time for Sex

The human body produces a huge surge in sex hormone and a rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning, so for men, 7 am is the best time for sex. That’s also the time testosterone levels peak and the time couples are most likely to conceive and orgasm.

8 to 9 AM - Best Time to Tackle Your Hardest Task

Early morning is the best window for your body to cope with the toughest job on your list, because that’s when levels of the stress hormone cortisol are the highest. That raises the blood-sugar and gives you the energy and momentum for difficult situations.

10 to 11 AM - Best Time to Go Shopping

Purchases made after 4pm, when you're at your most tired and concentration levels have reached daily lows, tend to be those most often returned to the shop.

So save yourself that return trip and head off after breakfast.

11 AM to 12 PM - Best Time to Ask for a Raise

Make your case to your boss now because that's when most people's energy level is at its highest,  and you’re likely to feel the greatest focus.

'You're also the most awake, so you'll be able to think on your feet when you don't get the answer you were expecting. The worst time? Late in the day when energy drops, which leaves people more vulnerable to anxiety, tension, and nervousness.

1 to 2 PM - Best Time for Lunch

The body's digestive processes are working at full power now, so you'll be able to digest food properly and won't overeat as your blood sugar should still be elevated.

2 to 3 PM - Best Time to Put the Tea Kettle On

This is the best time for a caffeine kick, because it’s the time most people have the least enthusiasm for doing tasks of any kind.

This should be your last cup of tea of coffee for the day, though. Drink it any later and the caffeine won't have time to get through your system before you go to bed and could cause insomnia.

3 to 4 PM - The Best Time to Get a Root Canal

Local anesthetic lasts three times longer when given in mid-afternoon than when given at other times of the day. Mid-morning appointments may be best for a simple filling, since your lips won't stay numb as long.

5 to 6 PM - Best Time for Exercise

Reaction time and hand-eye co-ordination are best at this time of the day. Body temperature peaks in the late afternoon, meaning warmer, more flexible muscles, greater strength and stamina and faster reaction times.

6 to 8 PM - Best Time to Have a Drink

This is the best time to enjoy a few drinks without getting too drunk. Many body functions slow down in the evening, which means that alcohol moves more slowly into your bloodstream than at any other time of the day.

10 to 11 PM - Best Time to Go to Bed

Levels of the stress hormone cortisol are rock-bottom, while your body produces a surge of sleep-inducing melatonin, which peaks around midnight.

11 PM - The Best Time to Beat Cystitis

Having a glass of cranberry juice as a nightcap could help stop urinary-tract infections, and make the most of a medicinal dose.

The cranberry compounds sit in the bladder overnight, so they may work longer fighting bacteria that cause the infections.

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