I used to think Memorial Day Weekend was officially the beginning of beach weather.  And by beach weather I mean days when I can sit on the beach without wearing a hoodie and without a beach towel wrapped around my legs.

But Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, and here it is June.  And guess what?  Still no beach days for me...yet.  Oh, I've tried a few times.  It seems so warm on the mainland, yet my friends in beach towns tell me otherwise.  But one day recently I decided not to listen to them and follow my heart.  And my heart told me to go to the beach.  LOL.
So off to the beach I drove.  When I got out of the car, the air felt a little chilly.  No problem, I thought.  I had a hoodie in the car just in case.  When I got to the beach, it was downright chilly.  But the sun was shining, and I figured I'd sit away from the water on the other side of a big dune.  That was fine for about five minutes, till I realized I needed my hoodie.  But in my rush to get on the beach, I left my hoodie in the car.  Well, at least my toes were in the sand.  However, the rest of my body was shivering.  I hated to admit it, but my friends were right...it really wasn't a beach day.

But I was onshore and I was determined to salvage my beach day somehow.  It was time for Plan B.  I called my friend (the one who had originally told me it wasn't a beach day), expecting her to say, "I told you so".  Thankfully she didn't.  Instead she invited me to come over and sit on her porch in the sun.  I figured as long as I'm in the sun in a beach town, that pretty much counts as a beach day, right??

So here's to June, and friends who live in beach towns.  :)

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