Attention foodies!!  This week on Lite Rock Impossible Trivia I am giving you tickets to the A.C. Food & Wine Festival‘s Grand Market event on Friday, July 27th at Caesars.  Described as a gourmet village of more than 100 stations…showcasing demonstrations by culinary personalities as well as a selection of fine wines, foods, ales, spirits and professional tools of the trade, Grand Market is one of the biggest events of the Food & Wine Festival weekend.

This morning’s question: 4 million of these were in use in America in the year 2000,but today we’re using 11 million of them.  What is it?

The answer?  Day two with this question became easier when I gave the hint that these are popular with kids, and that can be a dangerous problem. Ann from Mays Landing knew it was ....ATV's or quads!

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