"Stink house". You've encountered it plenty of times. That unique combination of aromas that greet you when entering someone's home for the first time. 

What exactly is that smell?  Placing the scent can be tricky. It seems like a curious mix of wet dog and bacon cooking, with a splash of industrial cleaner and just a hint vapor-rub. Or is that moldy cheese I'm smelling?

Did you ever wonder if your house smells too, but just not to you? It's true. You have a smell that comes along with your house, but why don't we notice it?

Here comes the science from the experts at "Science of Us": Our brains recognize our own smell and then decides to ignore it because they fall into the "non-dangerous" category.

When a smell hits your nose, your brain decides whether or not it's important enough to tell your brain about. Your own scent doesn't make that list.

Read much more about this exhaustive and malodorous study here...


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