Cereal is cereal, right??  Wrong!!  Cereal can be really good for you, or really bad.  Or somewhere in between...

It's backkkk...to the delight of kids and the horror of moms everywhere. French Toast Crunch is crispy, sweetened corn cereal.  The keyword here is sweetened.  It's sweetened with sugar (the second ingredient, right after whole grain corn), plus corn syrup, plus refiner's syrup (whatever that is).  One serving size is packed with 9 grams of sugar.  Not good.

Try a whole wheat multi-grain cereal.  And while it does contain sugar, it has 5 grams per serving...and 70 percent less sugar than raisin bran.  Wow!  Plus it's packed with antioxidants.  Pretty good.

The big question is...which tastes better??  Well, that depends on personal preference, and what you're used to eating.  If you're used to sugary kids' cereal, then you're probably gonna pick French Toast Crunch.  I get it.  But why not give the less popular cereal a try??  Here's the thing...if you need something sweeter, add some fruit for more flavor and even more nutrition.  I bet if you give it a chance, you may someday wonder how you ever liked sugary cereal in the first place.  Remember, Trix are for kids, who really don't need all that sugar anyway.  Actually, nobody does.  :)

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